Tur Abdin is a hilly region of southeast of Turkey incorporating the eastern half of Mardin Province,
and Sirnak Province west of the Tigris, on the border with Syria. The name 'Tur Abdin comes from the Syriac language meaning mountain of the servants of God. Tur Abdin is of great importance to Syriac Orthodox Christians, for whom the region used to be a monastic and cultural heartland. The Syriac people of Tur Abdin call themselves Suroye and Suryoye something they share with their brethren Nestorian and Chaldean Assyrians and traditionally speak the Aramaic dialect recently called Turoyo It is not accurately known how, when and for what the name Suryoye (Syriac) is started to be used. The common assumption for the source of the name is it comes from a city or a king from mesopotamia region The Syriac people trace their origins to the population of the preIslamic Mesopotamia, since the time of the Akkadian Empire. They claim that Beth Nahrin (Mesopotamia) is their homeland for 5000 years. Being the first Christians and speaking the language of Jesus they occupy an important part of history. After the 1900s many Syriacs from Southeast Anatolia migrated into Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Iraq and into the Western world. The decrease in Syriac population to western countries started in1960s and accelarated after 1980s. In Tur Abdin, known as the homeland for Syriacs, there are only 4,000 people left and an estimated 15,000 in all of Turkey.